Preliminary programme posted

As the Cladocera XII conference is approaching, we are busy with final touches to the programme, which is composed of a number of exciting talks and interesting posters!

The preliminary programme has been posted, along with instructions for presenters. Abstracts also available for download.

Apart from regular contributions (66 talks and at least 40 posters) and two keynote lectures, we are happy to announce a special Friday afternoon session, organised by Justyna Wolinska and Nelson Hairston: “Short Talks on Huge Contributions to the Cladoceran World: A Fond Farewell to Piet Spaak“.

Deadlines extended

The originally announced early bird deadline has already passed, but we are extending it by two weeks (until 15 May), together with the abstract submission deadline (31 May). 

The conference will be promoted during the 37th SIL congress, which starts in Brazil tomorrow, and we want to give the participants of that meeting the chance to register as “early birds”, and give them enough time to prepare the abstracts.

The updated poster announcing Cladocer XII is available for download

Keynote Speakers

Two excellent European cladocerologists, Justyna Wolinska (Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries & Freie Universität Berlin, Germany) and Jana Isanta-Navarro (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) accepted our invitation to give keynote lectures. Learn more about them.

Both talks will focus on different aspects of cutting-edge experimental research, using cladocerans as model organisms. So it should not come as a surprise that they will be rather Daphnia-centered. However, we are sure the topics (ecological impacts of environmental threats, and evolutionary ecology) will be of major interest to all of us attending the meeting, regardless of the specific taxon we study.